See below for all the info on signing up.

We are now selling Gold Cards for Fundraising. Click the picture and the link for more information

Every Monday night at 8:20PM (20:20 Military Time) the BHS Stadium Lights will be turned on for 20 minutes and 20 seconds in honor of our graduating seniors. See Coach Varp's message that he left on Instagram by Clicking the Pic

See below for all the info on signing up.
Click pics for list of Events

Get the MaxOne Calendar/Communication tool!
To join, contact Laura Olsen at lolomi@comcast.net
To join Click the Link Above
Click the pciture above for more
details about schedul

Current News
Look for current news from Coach Varp right here
Football is Back, Details Below
Burnsville families, I'm happy to announce that football is officially back! We have been given a new opportunity to play games this fall and practices will officially start 9/28. We are also at this point able to complete this weeks scheduled practices.
We will however have to get you all registered at the high school (this week's practices were registered through community ed). Also, you will need to create a new account. Families will be allowed to complete registration without payment. If they qualify for free or reduced lunch they will NEED to choose the “Pay Later” option and let Jeanine or Guillaume know so they can change the fee rate. You will need a current physical on file with the athletic office prior to participation.
Please complete this asap, as you will not be allowed to practice next week without it…
Here is some more specific information below from Mrs. Riggs in the athletic office:
More tips and friendly reminders....
Please let your families know that the camp registration through Community Education will not count/transfer towards the MSHSL school football and volleyball registration (link below). The parents/guardians will need to register through this site. They can use their same ISD 191 Community Education username and password but (as Guillaume stated) he/she will need to "Create A New Account". In my opinion, it is a very easy registration.
If I recall, the registration application questionnaire will be completed first/PRIOR to the Create A New Account username/password. This questionnaire will include the lengthy MSHSL information and forms.
The registration will start with this link. Click on this link or copy/paste the link into your browser.
Next, find this "Blaze" box and click on it
It will bring you to this page. Tip/Please Note: the first and last name must be entered the same way it is stated in Synergy/Studentvue. If the last name is hyphenated or two names, it must be entered this same way.
Enter the names as stated in Synergy or Studentvue, the date of birth as xx/xx/xxxx and click on "Continue".
First Name *
Last Name *
Date Of Birth *
Continue Cancel
Now you are on your way to completing the new online registration.
Tip/Please Note Regarding Sports Physical: You can enter the date and upload a copy of the sports physical documents signed by the clinic/doctor if you have it. Otherwise, you can skip over it (hit Next) and I will enter the sports physical date when I see your completed online registration (sent to me via email notification). Your online registration can be submitted without the sports physical. However, a player cannot practice/participate until I have a valid sports physical on file.
Tip/Please Note Regarding Payment: You have the option to "Pay Later" and submit your online registration. A student/family receiving lunch assistance will need to choose "Pay Later" so I can readjust the registration fee discount when I see your completed online registration (sent to me via email notification). In any case, one can pay online with a credit card or pay me directly with cash (with exact amount). Your online registration can be submitted without the payment. However, payment will be due by the first game.
Below is Ms. Riggs contact information for students/families so she can help.
Jeanine Riggs
Administrative Assistant - Athletic/Activity Office
Burnsville High School
600 E. Highway 13
Burnsville, MN 55337
Tele #952-707-2151
Fax #952-707-2102
Email: jriggs@isd191.org
BHS Web Site: www.isd191.org/bhs
Want to see our brand new Football field? - Click Here To See It

Volunteers Needed
All parents are expected to volunteer for at least 1 event.
For more information, contact our Booster President Carrie Westrum
We need volunteers for many days and many areas. We need volunteers for the concession stand, Tackle Cancer night, BCTV help, bingo night, half time snacks and more. Please click this link for more info.
Looking for student managers to record practice/games - If interested, Click here to Contact Coach Varp

Football Contacts
Here are our Football Contacts for the 2020-2021 Season
2020 CAPTAINS - Nathan Le, Myiion Hodges, Chase Vongkham
2020 Leadership Council: Dylan Fischer, Colton Gregersen, Adam Chudecke
12th Grade - Mike Olsen - lolomi@msn.com
11th Grade - Jeanne Tompkins - jeannektompkins@gmail.com
10th Grade - Jim Bunnell - Jim.Bunnell@sas.com
9th Grade - Vicki Classen - vickiclassen@ymail.com
Varsity & Junior Varsity - Vince Varpness - coachvarp@gmail.com
9th & 10th Grade - Coach Joe Kinsella - jkinsella@isd191.org

Recent Players in College
Hamza Hassan (SMSU)
Max Cantrell (Concordia)
Jordan Leake (Wayne St.)
Jesse Orak (Concordia)
Kamal Martin (Minnesota)
Keenan Winge (Concordia)
Tucker Shepley (Northwestern (MN) - Football/Basketball)
Andy Samuel (UND - Track)
Benn Olson (NIU)
Abdi Farah (Ridgewater)
Jake Parrent (Itasca)
Trenton Alderson (Itasca)
Brett Shepley (Augustana)
Luke Simon (Ridgewater)
Michael Schiller (Century - Baseball)
Jake Staats (Northern State)
Matt Gilray (South Dakota)
Nick Burton (Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
Jake Shepley (Concordia-St. Paul)
- Jared Lozano (Concordia Moorhead)
Jackson Martens (ICCC)
Stephan Olson Jr. (ICCC)
Seyi Aguda (Track at North Dakota)
Tre Thomas (U. of SD)
John Simon (Concordia Moorhead)
Jackson Martins (Northern Iowa)
Marcus Shepley (Duluth)
Isaac Tester (Stout)
Tommy Tester (Stout)
Nicholas Gilman (St. John's)
Kyle Atkinson (MN-track)
Issac Pasko (RCTC)
Dalton Passon (MN West)